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“Connected Car” as the focus of this year’s IAA in Frankfurt am Main

From 17 to 27 September 2015 the International Automobile Exhibition IAA again took place in the exhibition centre of Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

This year, the international audience included a total of 931,700 visitors from all over the world, the number of guests has increased by more than 50,000 compared to 2013. On the world’s most important trade fair for mobility nearly all automotive manufacturers participated. Apart from that, all major vehicle manufacturers and numerous automotive suppliers were represented.

The motto of this year’s IAA “Mobility Connects” has been widely taken up. Therefore, the focus of the whole event was put on networking, digitalization and electromobility, which continues to be a very important topic, to name just a few of the relevant topics.

The IAA is organized every two years by the VDA (German Association of the Automotive Industry). More than 1,100 exhibitors from 39 different countries then come to Germany in order to present their newest innovations. Especially automated driving concepts were presented by car manufacturers. The aim of those concepts is primarily to enlarge the safety of road traffic and its participants.

“The networked car will be an integral part of a multimodal transport solution. Innovative apps and services will enable new usage concepts for the time people spend in their cars, it makes driving easier, safer and more efficient,” said Matthias Wissmann, President of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) at the IAA.

Unlike in previous years, in 2015 approximately 28 percent of all foreign exhibitors came from the People’s Republic of China. Especially for automotive suppliers, the Chinese market is becoming increasingly attractive. In order to enter the Chinese market, you need a CCC Certification for many products. It is a mandatory certification for the Chinese market. In particular, interior trim components from the automotive sector are affected. Many car manufacturers already know: Due to the regular publication of new regulations by the Chinese certification authorities it is increasingly important to think a step further early enough.

In 2015 the MPR China Certification GmbH already celebrated its 10th anniversary. Together with our subsidiaries in the US and China (Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou), we have successfully support clients from all over the world during their certification process. We ensure that a CCC Certification for China no longer represents a burden for entering the Chinese automotive market.

For further information regarding the CCC Certification in general, about the certification process and costs, please visit our website.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easyhere. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.

Do not hesitate to contact us personally. Write us an Email or call us: Germany: +49 69 271 3769 150, UK: +44 2071931135, US: +1 773 654 2673


CCC: Update of CCC Certificates for Audio and Video Products

In an earlier news (CCC: New Chinese Regulations for Audio and Video Products) we informed you that the Chinese authority CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration) published 31 new regulations (“Implementation Rules”) affecting the CCC Certification of various products in the middle of the year 2014. Therefore, new audio and video products are included in these new regulations. The new implementation rule for audio and video equipment is CNCA-C08-01-2014.

The following audio and video products are affected by this implementation rule:

The new implementation rule for audio and video products became effective in September 1st, 2014.
Manufacturers of products, who already have CCC Certificates, will need to update their certificates until the end of 2016 and get their products re-tested if required. This regulation also concerns applicants for certificates, who do not have CCC certificates for their products yet.

Manufacturers have to be aware that products which were not CCC mandatory so far, could need CCC by now.

If you are uncertain whether your product needs CCC or not, please contact us. We are glad to provide further assistance.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easyhere. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on the Implementation Rules. Write us an Email or call us: Germany: +49 69 271 3769 150, UK: +44 2071931135,
US: +1 773 654 2673


CCC: New Implementation Rules for CCC Certification of Vehicles

The Implementation Rules are the foundation of the CCC certification. They define the certification necessity, the process of certification and the required marking of the product with the CCC logo. There are regulations frequently added to the already existing implementation rules. Implementation rules for interior parts, fuel tanks and seat belts are only three examples within the numerous implementation rules for CCC mandatory products.

The implementation rules are accompanied by the corresponding Chinese GB Standard (National Standard) which define the scope, parameters and dispositive limits for product testing required for the CCC certification. All regulations are issued by the CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China), therefore each number includes the index “CNCA.”

The first draft of the completely revised “Rules for the Implementation of Compulsory Certification of Motor Vehicles (Vehicle and trailer products)”, CNCA-02C-023:2012, were published in 2012 by the CNCA. The comprehensive rules represent the basic framework for the CCC certification of vehicles.

Since 2012, the rules clearly differentiate between the types of certification: Complete car CCC certification, Non-Mass Production CCC or Low Volume CCC exemption. There were also changes in the requirements of test products. A lot of new components were added to the catalogue, so that since then all products must be tested in accordance to the specific GB Standard.

The changements already caused a lot of consequences for car manufacturers who already have models that have been CCC certified. Since the revision of 2012 there are no more time frames of the administration’s and laboratories’ processes. Additionally there have also been changes in the application forms as well as the required “technical description forms.”

On August 21st, 2014 the CNCA published an even newer version of the Implementation Rules for Vehicles, which replaces all older versions. Since 2015, the Chinese administration demands all initial certification processes to be executed according to the newest version, which is named CNCA-C11-01:2014.

We are always publishing the official announcements of the Chinese authorities in our “News” section. Please check our website regularly since these official announcements are often made without any advanced notice. Also in 2015 there have already been a big quantity of announcements regarding changes and updates in Chinese GB Standards and other CCC regulations. The Chinese administration has, for example, published a lot of new Implementation Rules regarding the automotive sector’s interior trimming material. The catalogue of CCC-relevant products is constantly being expanded and updated.

You can find further information regarding the CCC certification in general, the certification process and the costs on our website.

You will also find information on our certification package on our website including a general anticipated time frame. Additionally, you can find a list of clients we have already worked with and their opinions in our references section.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here.

Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions you may have.

CCC: Update of CCC Regulations for Seats and Headrests

In an earlier news we have informed you that the Chinese authority CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration) has implemented 15 new implementation rules for the CCC certification of automotive components in August 2014. These regulations officially came into force since January 1st, 2015.

Thus, also the implementation rule for seats and headrests has been updated. The new version number is CNCA-C11-12:2014.
Car seat isolated on white background - three quart front viewPlease contact us if you want to learn more about the updates concerning the new implementation rule. We will be glad to help you.

Already existing CCC certificates have to be updated by January 1st, 2017. Certificates, which still do not contain the new number CNCA-C11-12:2014, will be temporarily suspended and eventually canceled.

Are you seeking for more information about this CNCA announcement or do you want to know if there will be new CCC implementation rules also for your product? Then contact us! Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (UK: +44 2071931135, US: +1 773 654-2673) or email with any questions you may have.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easyhere. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.


CCC: New Rules and Standards for Interior Trimming Parts

Recently, the Chinese certification authority CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration) published a lot of new implementation rules for CCC certification of interior trimming parts for the automotive sector. All of them have already been implemented and became legally effective on January 1, 2015. You can find further information here in our news section.

Besides fuel tanks, brake hoses and safety belts, new standards have also been published for interior trimming components. There are fundamental differences between the old and the new version. Enormous adjustments have been made which are not only relevant for CCC certificate holders and CCC applicants, but also for manufacturers of interior trimming material who have never been affected by CCC before and whose parts did not need a CCC certification so far. They might need to deal with this topic now.

CNCA’s publication brought big insecurity to vehicle manufacturers and automotive suppliers. The factors which influence the classification of CCC mandatory parts have been revised and were extended. Before, the instructions about how to identify CCC relevant parts were clear. Currently, the factors are more extensive and the determination is not that easy anymore. Please contact us by phone +49-69-2713769150 or email us to get more details about the new regulations.

Also, CQC and CCAP have recently published own, detailed implementation rules for all automotive parts that require CCC certification in January 2015. These interpretations showed even better how significant the changes regarding existing size requirements have been.

Our free presentation sums up the most important aspects and explains the new minimum sizes for interior trimming CCC. Please contact us by phone +49-69-2713769150 or email to obtain the booklet.

The following parts will be added to the catalogue of CCC mandatory products according to the new implementation rules for interior trimming components no. CNCA-C11-09:2014, beginning January 1, 2015:

There are no longer interior trimming parts which are excluded from CCC product catalogue. Therefore, steering wheels, removable floor mats and convertible roof systems are also CCC relevant.

After January 1, 2016 above mentioned parts may only be imported, sold and/or used in business activities in China as long as a China Compulsory Certification has been obtained.

The basic principle regarding the minimum size of a component, which says that only products with a minimum size of 356*100mm can get CCC certification will remain. The maximum burning rate for interior trimming material in class M 1 vehicles has not changed as well.

All CCC certificates for interior trimming parts require an update before January 1, 2017, as with all the other new implementation rules for automotive components. Certificates which are not including the new regulation number to this date will be paused and finally erased.

There are specific requirements for updating CCC certificates that need to be observed, e.g. the CCC specific CoP plan. CCC certificates cannot be updated at any time – the application can only be filed in the course of the annual follow up inspection.

Are you seeking for more information about the new implementation rules for interior trimming parts? Then contact us for more details and advice!

Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (UK: +44 2071931135, Rest of Europe,: +49 69 2713769150, US: +1 773 654-2673) or email with any questions you may have.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here. Please also contact us for our free presentation about the new CNCA implementation rules. It contains helpful information and explanations regarding the new requirements of Chinese certification authorities. We are pleased to send the booklet to you.


CFDA: Article Regarding the Certification of Medical Devices in China, Published in “In Compliance” Magazine


Mr. Julian Busch CEO of MPR China Certification GmbH / China Certification Corporation recently wrote an article regarding the Certification of medical devices in China. This article was published August 31, 2015 in the magazine “In Compliance” online.
The short article covers the general import regulations, which are mandatory for the legal import and disposal of certain medical devices for the Chinese market. In recent years, the Chinese regulators have placed more emphasis on the importance on product safety of medical devices. In 2013 the CFDA (China Food and Drug Administration) catalog that shows which products require prior approval, was revised with many more products being added. In March of 2014 a new “Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices” was published, which became effective June of 2014.
The article describes the updates and how they must be implemented. You can find the article here.
Julian Busch has published numerous articles regarding the CFDA certification and approval of medical devices for the Chinese market. Besides CFDA publications, he has also published articles regarding the CCC certification for products. A complete list of publications can be found here.
We will inform you about all of our upcoming publications and new released announcements of Chinese authorities in the “News” and “Media and Publications” section on our website. 

CCC: Update of Certificates for Automotive Components Required by January 1, 2017

In September 2014 the CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration) announced new regulations for CCC certification of automotive components, which have been in effect since January 1, 2015. This means, that all current CCC certificate holders will need to update their current certificates to the new Implementation Rules by January 1, 2017.

The new regulations increase the scope of interior components which are subject to CCC as well as changes to the process of CCC certification.

The updating of the CCC certificates to the new Implementation Rule can only be made in conjunction with an annual follow-up audit at which time the request for the certificate update must be made. During the annual follow-up-audit the Chinese authority will check if the CCC certified facility meets all of the new requirements. If so, an amendment is accepted and the new certificate(s) will be issued.

Certificates that are not updated by January 1, 2017 will be suspended or cancelled immediately and will no longer be valid. Certificates that are not valid mean that the products on the certificates will no longer be able to be sold, traded or used in the Chinese market. Automotive CCC’s for components can possibly cause complete vehicles to be held in customs or to be no longer imported into China.

Therefore certificate holder should immediately start the process of updating. We recommend to perform the update on the new CCC regulations with the follow-up inspection in 2015. If not requested, the certificates will not be updated during the normal follow-up audits. You will need to request the update.

As part of the new Implementation Rules and annual audit update, the CoP Plan (Conformity of Production) of the manufactured and all related procedures are now audited. All relevant CoP documents will need to be available and completed prior to the factory audit.

We will be happy to advise and assist you with updating your CCC certificate to comply with the new regulations. If you should have any questions, concerns, or needs please call or email us. You may contact us by phone at (UK: +44 2071931135, Rest of Europe: +49 69 2713769150, US: +1 773 654-2673) or you can email any time.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here. Please also contact us for our free presentation regarding the new CNCA implementation rules. It contains helpful information and explanations regarding the new requirements of Chinese certification authorities. We will be happy to send the presentation to you.


CFDA Issues Three Appendixes for Good Manufacturing Practice for Medical Devices

The China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA, chin: 国家食品药品监督管理总局) recently formulated and issued three appendixes for good manufacturing practice for medical devices. The purpose is to strengthen the supervision and management of medical devices, improve enterprises’ quality management level, and to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.

The three appendixes on Promulgation of Good Manufacturing Practice for Medical Devices are the following:

  1. Appendix for Sterile Medical Devices (No. 101 Announcement of 2015)
  2. Appendix for Implantable Medical Devices (No. 102 Announcement of 2015)
  3. Appendix for In Vitro Diagnosis Reagents (No. 103 Announcement of 2015)

These appendixes were created in accordance with the “Regulations for the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices” (chin: 医疗器械 监督管理条例(修订草案) (State Council Decree No. 650) and the Administrative Measures for the Supervision of Medical Device Manufacturing (CFDA Order No. 7).

In the three appendixes, there is particular emphasis on the Good Manufacturing Practice of sterile medical devices, implantable medical devices and in vitro diagnosis reagents, which will come into effect as of October 1, 2015.
Chinese Female Woman Scientist & Microscope In LaboratoryIt is expected that there will be more announcements, reforms and changes to the CFDA regulations in the near future. In our News section on our website, we will keep you informed regarding the official announcements.

If you want to learn more about CFDA certification for medical devices and products, please visit the CFDA section on our website. We also provide more detailed knowledge regarding CFDA in our free brochure “CFDA China – The Booklet” that can be downloaded here.

Please do not hesitate to call (UK: +44 2071931135, Rest of Europe: +49 69 2713769150, US: +1 773 654-2673) or email and we will be happy to answer questions.


CCC: Next Training Course in Cooperation with TUV Academy

Our next CCC training course will take place September 24, 2015 in Frankfurt am Main. It is titled “Fully Informed for China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) – Certification Requirements and Procedures.” We will be presenting it in cooperation with TÜV SÜD Academy.

After completion of our training courses you will have an understanding of the CCC certification process, the barriers, and have a good overall view of what to expect and how to proceed.
You will learn about the Chinese national standards (known as GB standard), which determine if CCC certification is required for a particular product. We will discuss the importance of digging deeper into the product function to determine which other certifications may be required for particular products. Some possible additional certifications that may be needed, depending on the product, include CEL (China Energy Label) and NAL (Network Access License). Manufacturers often overlook these additional certifications, not realizing that they are needed in addition to CCC. If a product does not have all of the required certifications it is not in compliance with the Chinese regulations and may be held at customs, regardless of having CCC certification.
Another important topic of the training course will be spare parts. Sending spare parts to China can be very difficult for manufacturers. We will go into some of the challenges and some possible solutions.
The following dates are planned for 2015:

Another training course, “Certification Requirements and Procedures in the People’s Republic of China in the Automotive Sector”, will also be offered. This class will be specific to the automotive industry and will provide industry specific knowledge of the CCC certification process for this sector.
If you would like more Information regarding CCC certification, please visit our website. Here you can learn more about the certification process and the costs associated with certification. You will also find details regarding our certification package on our website including a general anticipated time frame. Take a look at our references section to see some of our clients and what they are saying about us. For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.
Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions you may have.