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Your one-stop certification solution!


Use the know-how and expertise of MPR China Certification to get your products approved in Taiwan.

The list of products requiring certification for Taiwan is long and it requires a firm understanding of the regulations to move through the approval process quickly and with accuracy. The most common industries in which certification-relevant products are used include the automotive industry, industries where explosion-proof products are used, and the telecommunications and broadcasting industry. However, products used in everyday life, such as toys, electronics, textiles, plastics and others, are subject to mandatory certification via BSMI.

Products in the automotive sector must undergo VSCC certification. Common products here include interior trim components, automotive external lighting, etc.. ITRI approval is required for products used in any hazardous area. NCC approval is relevant for products from the telecommunications and broadcasting industry. This includes radio frequency (RF) devices with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi functions. In addition, devices of the transmitter-receiver systems (RFID) are also affected by the NCC certification obligation. 

It is often not clear under which respective certification areas a specific product may fall. We will be happy to inform you about the certification requirements.

Certifications that we offer:

VSCC Certification

The approval regulations and certification of components are particularly strict in the automotive sector. The Vehicle Safety Certification Center (VSCC) carries out the corresponding approvals here.
Learn more about VSCC certification for automotive components.

Infos about other certifications