General Administration of Customs China (GACC)
20. March 2023The General Administration of Customs is the national customs authority of the People’s Republic of China. It is a ministry-level authority and monitors the import and export of goods and services from and to China. It also collects various taxes and duties on behalf of the state: VAT, import tax, excise duties and indirect taxes such as air passenger tax, climate levies, insurance tax, landfill tax and mineral oil tax.

Following a restructuring of public offices and ministries in 2018, China Customs currently employs around 100,000 people. These carry out traditional customs and border protection tasks such as health checks at external borders, inspection and quarantine for import and export of animals, plants and their products, import and export of food, and inspection of raw materials, among others. The GACC works in 42 customs districts and operates a total of 678 customs posts nationwide. In cooperation with other border agencies, China Customs aims to provide an efficient and effective service at the external borders. The GACC protects the national security and interests of the People’s Republic and facilitates international trade.
The GACC is responsible for the GACC registration for food imports into China.