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Authorities and Certification Bodies in Taiwan

22. November 2022

There are various authorities and certification bodies responsible for the different product certifications in Taiwan.

In this overview you can see the various authorities and certification bodies and their areas of responsibilities:

CertificationAuthorities and Certification Bodies
VSCCVSCC is Taiwan’s Vehicle Safety Certification Center and is responsible for both vehicle homologation and the certification of vehicle components. The VSCC was founded by the Ministry of Transport and Communications in 2009 and since then vehicles that are to be sold on the Taiwanese market must first be certified by the VSCC in accordance with Taiwanese requirements. VSCC Certification requires, among other things, tests to be carried out by an accredited laboratory. All tests and approvals must be carried out in accordance with the “Vehicle Safety Testing Direction” (the Taiwanese test standards also known as VSTD).
In addition to the certification and market approval of automotive products, the authority is also responsible for monitoring products that have already been approved and, within this framework, is also responsible for necessary investigations, as well as recalls of products due to quality problems. VSCC also participates in the harmonization of international motor vehicle regulations.

ARTC stands for Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC; Chinese: 車輛研究測試中心).
ARTC is a government-approved test laboratory that has been performing various functions and advancing automotive technology innovation in Taiwan since it was established in 1990. One of their functions is to conduct tests on complete vehicles and vehicle components to verify that they comply with “Vehicle Safety Testing Directions” (Taiwan’s testing standards also known as VSTD). ARTC’s laboratories are well equipped and can handle a wide range of tests, such as burn tests, seat belt tear-out tests, tests for seat adjustment, adjustment and locking devices, crash tests and more. The mandatory checks of various vehicle components according to VSTD, such as interior trim components, lamps, seats, headrest, etc. can be conducted by ARTC.
ARTC works closely with the VSCC so that test report requirements are communicated between the organizations for required certifications.
BSMIThe Bureau of Standards Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) is subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and is responsible for standardization, metrology and product inspection. It is the certification body for a wide range of products. The basis for inspection is part of the The Commodity Inspection Act. This Act ensures that commodities comply with safety, health, environmental and other technical regulations or standards. It aims to protect the safety, health, rights and interests of consumers and the promotion of sound development of economic activities.  Within this framework, they are also responsible for market surveillance.
BSMI works toward the standardization and advancing international unification and mutual recognition of other countries’ standards, as well as aligning certification systems and management solutions.
The Weights and Measures Act is the legal basis for BSMI’s activities in the field of regulatory metrology. BSMI’s activities in metrology extend to the establishment of national measurement standards, the administration of the measurement and verification industry, the regulatory control of weights and measuring instruments and the regulatory control of prepackages. All of these functions serve the purpose of consumer protection.
ITRIThe Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) is an international laboratory dedicated to technical development and innovation. Founded in 1973, it has steadily expanded its functions and areas of expertise since then. ITRI was conceived as a service and development institute for industry and is subordinate to the Ministry of Economy. Unlike other science and research institutions in Taiwan, it was not intended to conduct fundamental research, but exclusively applied research.
ITRI is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO/IEC 17065 and covers all tests according to CNS and IEC standards in hazardous areas.
ITRI is particularly important for companies supplying products and devices that will be used in hazardous areas since it is the certification body for explosion protection products approved by the Taiwanese Ministry of Labor. All products that are used in hazardous areas and that are to be sold on the Taiwanese market must be certified and approved by ITRI. 
NCCEstablished in 2006, the National Communications Commission (NCC) is the authority responsible for regulating telecommunications and broadcasting services in Taiwan. Originally, the Directorate General of Telecommunications and the Broadcasting Affairs Division of the Government Information Office were responsible for these two areas. The two organizations were eventually merged into the NCC.
With the Internet and smartphones becoming an important part of people’s lives, the NCC has also been entrusted with the further development of the field.
NCC pursues four policy goals in its functions:

1. The healthy development of communication

2. To protect the rights of people

3. To safeguard the interests of consumers

4. To promote multicultural diversity.

The NCC is the first official regulatory body independent of the Taiwan Executive. As a result, the NCC aims to regulate the communications sector from an objective, neutral and professional standpoint to ensure effective competition in the market and safeguard the public interest.
In this capacity, the NCC also issues NCC approval for telecommunications products, such as radios and other local network technologies.

If you have any questions about the various certification or would like to find out whether your product requires any certification, you can contact us at any time. We would be happy to assist you with the entire certification process.

You can send us an e-mail or call us at +49-69-2713 769 150 for Europe or +1-773-654-2673 for America. We will gladly support you.

Do you have any questions regarding certifications? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us via chat. You will find the chat window at the bottom right of each page (if this is not visible, please check your browser settings).

Robert Goral

MPR Author

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Robert Goral

Robert Goral