GB Standard issued for Assembly Valves on High Pressure Hydrogen Storage Cylinders for Vehicles
4. January 2024On May 13, 2023, Chinese authorities announced the release of the GB Standard GB/T42536-2023 titled “Assembly valve on high pressure hydrogen storage cylinder for vehicles”. GB Standards are the cornerstone of product conformity in China, ensuring that products meet rigorous safety and quality requirements. Set to be implemented on June 1, 2024, this new standard specifies the test criteria products must meet. These types of cylinders are used in hydrogen tank system in E-Mobility vehicles, which are subject to special regulations in China.

The GB/T42536-2023 standard is a significant stride towards harmonizing vehicle safety components with international safety practices. It will clarify the safety benchmarks for valves used in hydrogen vehicle tank systems.
The standard is largely based on the old standard GB/T 35544-2017 “Fully-wrapped carbon fiber reinforced cylinders with an aluminum liner for the on-board storage of compressed hydrogen as a fuel for land vehicles”. Several points from the old standard are also adopted in other new standards.
The approval can be carried out by China Certification Corporation via the CSEI authority. It is also relevant for the CCC complete vehicle certification. You can find an overview of the most important consulting services on our consulting page.
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